Winning sports style fueled by smart technology.
Designed for the Scuderia Ferrari Ultraveloce smart watch. This app enables your watch to deliver smart features that keep you up to speed in today's connected world as you sport winning team colors and bold details. Stay powered your way – with prioritized visual and vibration notifications for calls, texts, events, social media, and more.
• Select which 3rd party smartphone apps you want to receive notifications from on your smart watch, and select the vibration intensity.
• Set your daily step goals and track your progress by day, week, or month.
• Choose which calendars you want synced to your smart watch and enable or disable calendar reminders.
• Manage and prioritize contacts, so you always know when, and which of your favorite people are getting in touch with you.
• Schedule times to not receive notifications on your smart watch with the Silence Watch feature.
• Select up to five different time-zone locations to show on display on your watch screen.
• Choose between a 12hr or 24hr time format to display on your watch screen
• Smart features and app, Engineered by HP - reimagining the brands you love with the smarts you need.
专为法拉利车队Ultraveloce智能手表。这个应用程序使您的手表交付及时为您在当今的互联世界,以加速你的运动冠军球队的色彩和大胆的细节智能功能。保持供电的用自己的方式 - 用视觉优先和振动通知呼叫,文本,事件,社交媒体等。
•智能功能和应用,惠普其设计 - reimagining爱你与你所需要的智慧的品牌。